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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Freaky Ice Hand

Here’s a great way to waste a dishwashing glove... fill it with coloured water and make a freaky frozen hand to wreak havoc with.

1. Trim the glove so that the fingertips hang just above the bottom of the jug / container.

2. Push two shish kebab skewers through the wrist of the glove and at right angles to each other.

3. Hang the glove in the jug / container.

Note: if you want to be able to hold your frozen hand like an ice block, secure a stick to the skewers

4. Pour coloured water into the glove.

Note: food colour tends to concentrate in the centre of ice blocks as they freeze so I used about 15 big drops – be careful not to put stains all over the place!

5. Place the jug / container in the freezer (you may need to remove the shelf for it to fit) and wait for at least 8 hours.

6. Nearly finished! Carefully cut and remove the glove – do this in the sink or over a bucket.

Note: the fingers break off very easily so be extra careful – if you’re quick, you can refreeze snapped fingers back on.

7. Your freaky ice hand is ready for shananagans – what you do with it from here is your business.

Note: be careful with the drips which will stain carpets etc – best to keep your ice hand outside!

8. I tried to get to know my ice hand but it kept giving me the cold shoulder! Get it? Cold ... shoulder? Ahem.

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